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How do I change my serial number in Vectorworks?

A serial number gives you access to your Vectorworks program.

Your serial number also determines which modules you can access in Vectorworks.

The steps below will allow you to change a serial number.

  1. Open your Vectorworks
  2. Open the menu Tools/Settings/Vectorworks Preferences.
  3. Go to the General tab
  4. Click on “Serial numbers…” at the top right
  5. Delete the active serial number using the “Delete” button and add the new serial number via “Add…”
  1. Click OK. Vectorworks will start working with the new serial number after the program has been restarted.

Each time you enter a serial number in Vectorworks, a new activation will also occur. Minimize serial number switching to avoid activation issues.


A student serial number always contains access to all modules. The serial number change is only required when the serial number entered is no longer active.

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